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Beware of Scams

Learn about scams and protect yourself

We encourage our customers to be cautious and to beware of individuals claiming to be a Georgia Power representative. We continue to work with law enforcement agencies throughout the state to identify and prosecute criminals who pose as Georgia Power employees to defraud customers. Scammers are increasingly creative and aggressive in their tactics.

We will never threaten immediate disconnection or demand payment information over the phone.

If you have any concerns about a possible scam or questions about your Georgia Power account, call us at 1-888-660-5890 Monday–Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Common scams and how to avoid them

  • Calls demanding payments
    If you receive a suspicious call from someone claiming to be from Georgia Power and demanding immediate payment to avoid disconnection, please hang up and call our customer service line directly at 888-660-5890. This number is also available on your bill.
  • Fraudulent phone numbers and Caller ID
    Scammers have tried to promote the use of fraudulent 800 numbers, you should always check to make sure they are calling the correct Georgia Power customer service line at 888-660-5890, which can be verified at Do not trust “Caller ID” identifications.
  • Unofficial website
    Verify that you are on the official Georgia Power website when conducting web searches for Georgia Power.
  • Emails demanding payments or personal info
    Delete all emails that demand immediate payment or personal information or that are from a company that is not Georgia Power.
  • Pre-recorded messages
    If your account becomes past due, we will contact you via with a pre-recorded message to the primary account telephone number or by letter requesting that you call us at 888-660-5890 to discuss the account. This pre-recorded message will not ask you to remain on the line, or press a number to speak to a representative immediately. 
  • Visits to your home or business
    In the rare event that an employee needs to visit your home or business for a service-related issue, they will be in uniform and present a badge with a photo, their name, and the company’s name and logo. They will also be in a vehicle marked with the company’s logo.
    Georgia Power employees or subcontractors may visit your home or business for energy efficiency program improvements or power credit device removal. Current sub-contractors for Georgia Power will present a badge and business card with the name of their company alongside Georgia Power. Subcontracting company names can be confirmed by calling Georgia Power at 888-660-5890.
  • 3rd party payments
    Scammers may claim to work for a public agency or government office offering ways to pay your Georgia Power bill. NEVER give anyone your credit card information, your Georgia Power account information including a copy of your electric bill or account number or any other personal banking information. Call your local police department and then call us at 888-660-5890.

How to identify our texts, emails, and phone numbers

We often send account messages by text or email. These messages are usually helpful and provide you with information that can help you manage your account. They range from billing alerts to outage updates to friendly reminders.

Since these alerts are usually specific to your personal account, you should be cautious when receiving, sharing or responding to them. 

Regarding Your Bill:

  • Text messages will come from the number: 99123 (GAPOWR).
  • Email messages will come from the sender:

Regarding an Outage:

  • Text messages will come from the number: 42797 (GAPWR).
  • Voice messages will come from the number: 1-888-660-5890.
  • Email messages will come from the sender:

In our texts and emails regarding your account, we sometimes provide links to help you manage your account or to act. Those links will take you to our account portal. There you will be asked to log in to your account.

If you are suspicious of a text or email: Do not click on any links

Instead visit our official website at and click the My Account button to access your online account.

Please note: We will never display your full-service address and account number together in an email or text message. It is usually one or the other.

If you've encountered suspicious activity

If you have reason for concern or suspect a problem, please call Georgia Power immediately to verify ID at 1-888-660-5890.

If you suspect that someone is at your home or business impersonating a Georgia Power employee:

  • Call your local police immediately.
  • Call Georgia Power at 1-888-660-5890.
  • DO NOT let the individual inside your home or business.
  • DO NOT go outside with the individual.
  • DO NOT provide the individual with your account number or any personal or financial information.

If you suspect that someone has already visited you to obtain personal or financial information, please contact us immediately at 1-888-660-5890. Representatives are available to assist you Monday–Friday from 7 am to 7 pm.

Pretending to be a Georgia Power employee

There have been recent incidents where both residential and local business customers have been contacted by scammers pretending to be Georgia Power employees. The scammers call customers and advise them that they have a short deadline to make a payment. The scammer then asks the customers to go to a local retailer (such as Walmart, CVS or Walgreens) and purchase a money pack for the given amount, and then call another number to share the account number on that prepaid card.

How to recognize our employees

Always remember:

  • We will NEVER come to your door and demand an immediate payment.
  • We will NEVER call and ask you for your bank information or a credit card number.
  • We will NEVER come to your home or business without identification or prior communication.
  • Georgia Power employees visiting your home should ALWAYS have a photo identification badge.
  • Field service reps will wear a Georgia Power uniform that includes the company logo and service vehicles are marked with the Georgia Power logo.

 If you suspect a problem:

  • Call Georgia Power to verify ID
  • Don’t allow the person inside your home
  • Don’t go outside the house with the person
  • Call your local law enforcement agency if concerned

In 2016, Georgia Power unveiled new branding, which includes a new logo and replaces the company’s red triangle logo. As Georgia Power transitions all company vehicles, facilities, equipment and uniforms to the new logo throughout the following year, you may see the red triangle logo still displayed in some places. If you have any doubt, please feel free to call your local Georgia Power office to verify ID.

The safety and security of our customers and our customers’ personal and financial information are our highest priorities.

Georgia Power protects and secures your personal and financial information using industry standard safeguards like firewalls and secure socket layers (SSL) to encrypt and protect sensitive transmissions. Although no security system is fail-safe, we strive to protect your information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.