Emergencies and challenging economic times often make it difficult for people to acquire food, shelter, clothing and medical supplies or even pay their utility bills. But programs like Project SHARE provide a way for us to work together to help those truly in need. By making a donation on your Georgia Power bill, we can help Project SHARE and The Salvation Army make a difference in your community.
You can enroll as a donor in Project SHARE by calling the Georgia Power number printed on the top of your bill, or enroll online under Billing.
If you prefer to make a one-time donation, call 1-800-257-4273 or donate through The Salvation Army.
Since the inception of our partnership in 1985, we've collectively contributed more than $81 million to Project SHARE, providing vital assistance to both our customers and other neighbors in need. With the invaluable support of our donors, here's how we made difference in 2023: