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Make Ready

Natural Gas

A Foundational Energy Resource

Benefits of Natural Gas

A reliable source of energy backed by an established distribution network and relatively low-cost, natural gas is a generating workhorse that provides affordable energy, while enabling us to reduce our reliance on coal and lower our greenhouse gas emissions.

How Natural Gas Works

Natural gas is extracted from the ground and refined to remove impurities.

Simple Cycle

All Natural Gas power generation processes starts the same way with a Gas Turbine sucking in air and compressing it.

The Natural Gas is mixed in and burned.

The heated compressed air turns the turbine.

The turbine drives a generator.

Combined Cycle

Some plants further maximize the energy output by recycling the heat from the burned Natural Gas into another process.

The heat from combustion is used to turn water into steam.

The steam turns another turbine.

The turbine drives another generator.

Our Natural Gas Plants

Our Natural Gas facilities have a combined generating capacity of over 5,000 MW.

1. McDonough-Atkinson

Smyrna, GA

~2520 MW

3x CC

2. McIntosh

Rincon, GA

~1376 MW

2x CC, 8x CT

3. Yates

Newnan, GA

~724 MW

2x CT

4. Robins

Robins Air Force Base, GA

~184 MW

2x CT

5. McManus

Brunswick, GA

~558 MW

2x CT

CC – Combined Cycle
CT – Combustion Turbine / Simple Cycle

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Continuing the Clean Energy Transition

Coal has powered the world for hundreds of years. Once a primary source of power generation, able to efficiently produce power around the clock, Georgia Power has closed most of its coal power plants over the past 15 years. In some cases, existing power plant infrastructure has been converted to natural gas-fueled plants. In others, new natural gas plants have been built, which can also power Georgia homes and businesses 24/7, while reducing carbon dioxide emissions by up to 50%.