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Business Rates & Tariffs

Safe, reliable and low-cost electricity

We are dedicated to providing businesses of all sizes with options, so that you can select the option that best fits your needs and budget.

Use our custom calculators to determine the best rate for you, or browse the different rate plans below.

Power and Light Rate Calculator

Our Power & Light Rate Calculator is an easy-to-use tool that showcases how your business currently uses energy and where you can save money going forward. Using your current Georgia Power energy bill, plug your information into our custom calculator to discover the many ways to save.

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Which Rate is Right for You?

Our Commercial Rate Advisor tool can help you determine which rate plan best fits your lifestyle. 

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Small Business

Customers on our Small Business rates use less than 30 kW of energy and typically are mom-and-pop grocery stores or restaurants, gas stations, small churches, boutiques or other small commercial stores in a shopping center.


General Service

For smaller customers that use less than 3,000 kWh monthly and have a maximum demand of 30 kW or less.


FlatBill (Flat-7)

For customers that have been in their current business the previous 12 months and use less than 3,000 kWh monthly and have a maximum 30-minute measured demand of less than 30 kW.


Optional General Service

For all temporary service less than 12 months, recurring seasonal operations, or full-year usage that is sporadic or unusual.


Power & Light – Small

For customers with a maximum demand of less than 30 kW. The Power and Light rates (PL Small, PL Medium and PL Large) are the most common among Georgia Power's commercial and industrial customers.  Additional understanding on Power & Light information


Time of Use – Energy Only

For smaller customers that have shorter hours of operation or the ability to shift usage away from the summer peak period of 2 to 7 p.m. weekdays, June - September.


Unmetered Devices

For accounts that use less than 3,000 kWh monthly, have a maximum 30-minute measured demand of less than 30 kW, and do not require the installation of metering equipment and service drops, such that the monthly energy and demand may be estimated by Georgia Power. These accounts (defined under the North American Classification System) must be classified as:

  • NAICS 515 for industries in the broadcasting (except Internet) subsector.
  • NAICS 517 for industries in the telecommunications subsector.
  • NAICS 518 for industries in the Internet service providers, Web search portals, and data processing services subsector.


Most Small Business customers are on the following rates:

Additional understanding on Power & Light information

Medium Business

If you are a medium business, you have electricity requirements between 30 kW and 499 kW. Medium businesses include restaurants, grocery stores, churches, brand banks, some department stores and similar type businesses.


Power & Light – Medium

For customers with a maximum demand greater than 30 kW, but less than 500 kW. The Power and Light rates (PL Small, PL Medium and PL Large) are the most common among Georgia Power's commercial and industrial customers. Additional understanding on Power & Light information


Time of Use – General Service Demand

For customers who have shorter hours of operation or the ability to shift usage away from the summer peak period of 2 to 7 p.m. weekdays.


Time of Use – Food & Drink

Applicable to commercial customers that have an actual peak demand of not less than 30 kW and no more than 250 kW and are defined under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as 722 Food Services and Drinking Places.


Time of Use - Electric Vehicle Charging

Applicable to all electric service for non-residential premises dedicated to electric vehicle charging.


Most Medium Business customers are on the following rate:

Additional understanding on Power & Light information

Large Business

With electricity demands greater than 500 kW, customers in the Large Business category can include large department or grocery stores, warehouses, car dealerships, manufacturing facilities, large office buildings, stadiums and convention/trade centers.


Power & Light – Large

For customers with a maximum demand of 500 kW or greater. The Power and Light rates (PL Small, PL Medium and PL Large) are the most common among Georgia Power's commercial and industrial customers. Additional understanding on Power & Light information


Time of Use – High Load Factor

Under this rate, commercial customers must initially place 20 or more accounts on TOU-HLF. During the prior 12 months, each account must maintain an average monthly load factor of 60 percent or greater, including at least one monthly peak actual demand of 526 kW or greater during the months of June through September.


Time of Use – Revenue Neutral

Available for existing commercial and industrial customers when their current rate has been discontinued by order of the Georgia Public Service Commission.


Most Large Business customers are on the following rate:

Additional understanding on Power & Light information

Government, Institutions & Transportation

As a government customer, you can have multiple facilities and enterprises each with a specific need. Typical customers in this group include traffic controls (traffic lights and intersection walkway signs), electric transportation, some schools, universities and colleges, and federal, state and municipal agencies.


School Service

All full use electric service to public or private academic institutions where regular elementary, middle, high school or college courses are conducted.


School Load Management

All full use electric service to public or private academic institutions where regular elementary, middle, high school or college courses are conducted. This rate is available only at newly constructed buildings with an initial connection date on or after January 1, 1986, or at reconstructed buildings.


Full Use Service to Governmental Institutions

Available to large federal, state and municipal agencies and institutions with a minimum billing demand of 6,000 kW.


Electric Transportation Service

Available to accounts serving electric rail transportation.


Traffic Control Unmetered Service

For the operation of traffic control devices owned and operated by a municipality or government agency and located on a public street or highway.


Traffic Control Metered Service

For the operation of traffic control devices owned and operated by a municipality or government agency and located on a public street or highway. Streetlights, cameras and other equipment on a metered traffic circuit may be billed under this rate.

Agricultural Rates

Georgia Power has a variety of rates for every type of agricultural business, including irrigation, farm facilities, crop production and services, grain and oil mill operations and agricultural production and storage. If you are unsure which rate plan is right for your business, please check out our Rate Advisor tool.

Irrigation Off-Peak Service

For irrigation of crops, golf courses and other vegetation.

Farm Service

Applicable to individually owned farm facilities when used in the growing or the harvesting of an agricultural product, livestock, or poultry.

Seasonal Agricultural Service — Non-Demand

For agricultural businesses, including crop production, crop services, grain and oil mill operations, and wholesale trade in farm-product raw materials in which at least 85 percent of the annual kWh consumption occurs during the billing months of October through May.

Seasonal Agricultural Service

For agricultural production, including storage, drying, curing, handling, grain and oil mill operations and other agriculture-related applications in which at least 80 percent of the annual kWh consumption occurs in any six-consecutive-month period. The maximum demand must be less than 500 kW.

Agricultural Process Service Rate

Applicable to establishments that provide processing or storage services of agricultural products to individually owned farm operations.


Most Agricultural customers are on the following rate:

Outdoor Lighting

When it comes to your lighting needs (public or private outdoor lighting areas), Georgia Power has rates and products just for you. Whether it's lighting for streets, security or parking lots, you can find a rate to meet your needs. For more information about Outdoor Lighting options, please visit our Outdoor Lighting site.


Outdoor Lighting Service, Governmental

Outdoor lighting service for federal, state or local government or agency.


Outdoor Lighting Service, Non-Governmental

Applicable only to outdoor lighting with ballast-operated vapor lamp fixtures – mercury vapor (MV), high-pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide (MH). Service will be rendered only at locations that are readily accessible for maintenance as determined by Georgia Power.


Energy for Outdoor Lighting Service

Applicable only to unmetered outdoor lighting with ballast or driver-operated lamp fixtures – mercury vapor (MV), high-pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide (MH), light-emitting diode (LED), induction, fluorescent or any new-technology lighting systems approved by Georgia Power. Service will be rendered by Georgia Power only at locations that it deems readily accessible for maintenance.


Time of Use – Energy for Outdoor Lighting Service

Applicable to all company-owned outdoor lighting at a single location with company-owned Smart Lighting Control devices installed. Pilot will be limited to a maximum of 100 customer accounts.


Roadway Lighting Governmental Schedule

Applicable to all Company-owned lighting for Federal, State or local government or any of their agencies for roadway lighting requirements including streets, alleys, highways, bridges, and other public thoroughfares with poles or other structures conforming to Company specifications.


Marginally Priced Rates

If you can avoid using electricity when hourly prices are at peak levels and have an electricity demand greater than 250 kW, you could be eligible for potential savings. With Marginally Priced rates, Georgia Power provides a financial incentive to change your electricity usage habits to take advantage of lower-priced hours and avoid heavy usage during higher-priced hours. Typically, customers in this group include large commercial and industrial customers, national chains, department stores, airports, some schools and universities, convention and trade centers, large office buildings, stadiums, and manufacturing facilities. If you fall into the Marginally Priced segment, we encourage you to contact your designated account representative.


Fixed Pricing Alternative

For customers who either: 

  • Were served on the FPA-3 tariff as of December 2010 and have been continuously served on the FPA tariff since January 2011.
  • Have received service for at least three consecutive years on a Real-Time Pricing (RTP) tariff.


Time of Use – Supplier Choice

Applicable only to new customers who are eligible to choose an electric service provider under the Georgia Territorial Electric Service Act of 1973.


Real Time Pricing (RTP) – Day Ahead

Applicable to either new or existing commercial or industrial customers located on the company's existing lines of adequate capacity, these customers must be able to benefit from hourly price signals and maintain a peak 30-minute demand not less than 250 kW each month.


Real Time Pricing – Hour Ahead

Applicable to either new or existing commercial and industrial customers located on the company's existing lines of adequate capacity who can maintain a peak 30-minute demand not less than 5,000 kW each month and can benefit from hourly price signals that are furnished at least 60 minutes in advance.


Price Protection Products

Available only to existing RTP customers, Price Protection Products (PPP) are price-stability alternatives for RTP customers. These risk-management tools allow RTP customers to manage the risk and volatility associated with RTP prices in specific time periods.


Electric Arc Furnace

Applicable to all customers who:

  • Operate an electric arc furnace.
  • Currently are on a Fixed Pricing Alternative.
  • Control electric arc furnace loads to minimum levels (near 0 kW) during previous summer on-peak periods.
  • Meet a monthly minimum actual electric arc furnace demand of at least 50 mW.
  • Take service at one standard voltage on your business's premises.
  • Delivered at one point and metered at or compensated to that voltage.

We encourage our customers who fall into the Marginally Priced segment to contact their designated account representative.