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Storm Safety

After a Storm

Take Precautions After a Storm

Nature is powerful and unpredictable. A strong storm can cause widespread power outages. The most important thing for you and your family is to stay safe. Follow these guidelines as after-storm safety reminders.

Safety is our first priority

Report emergencies immediately, including downed power lines or low-hanging wires. Review these tips: 
  • Never touch any downed or low hanging line. Always assume power lines are energized. Report the location of any downed or low hanging line to Georgia Power. You can also contact local authorities or 911.
  • Never try to make your own electrical repairs to Georgia Power equipment. Let our highly trained crews do the dangerous work when it comes to restoring power.
  • Never pull tree limbs off power lines as they could be energized.
  • Never go into areas with debris or downed trees. Dangerous power lines may be buried in the wreckage.
  • Exercise caution near chain link fences. Dangerous lines may touch the metal.
  • Avoid stepping in puddles and standing water after a storm as they may be touching hidden, downed power lines and be electrified.
  • Never connect portable generators to your household electrical wiring. Connect only essential appliances like freezers and refrigerators directly to a generator. See below for more on using a generator safely.
  • Never walk into areas where crews are at work. If you're driving near work crews, obey road signs and proceed cautiously.
After a Storm

Know that we're working around the clock

Georgia Power has a variety of monitoring systems in place to detect outages when they occur. Our restoration teams always work hard to make your outage as brief as possible. View our Outage Map to check the status of outages in your area.

Learn about the types of service interruptions that may happen, as well as what Georgia Power does to identify, repair and prevent these issues.

Generator Safety

In a power outage, a portable generator may be needed. But be careful - if not used properly, generators can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, electric shock or fire. If you run a portable generator in a power outage, follow these safety guidelines.

Generator Safety guidelines

1. Never use a generator in an enclosed space

Generators produce high levels of carbon monoxide quickly. You cannot smell or see carbon monoxide. It can be deadly.

If you feel sick, dizzy, or weak while using a generator, get fresh air right away. If you feel seriously ill, get immediate medical attention. Do not delay! Tell medical staff you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning. If you became ill indoors, let the fire department determine when it is safe to re-enter the building.

2. Turn off electrical devices before you connect them

After a generator is running, switch connected devices on one by one. Shut them down again before you switch back to Georgia Power service.

3. Carefully follow the manufacturer's technical information

Be sure your generator is rated for 240-volt loads, as well as 120-volt, if you hook up larger appliance like ranges, well pumps or dryers.

4. Inspect and maintain your generator

Keep fresh gas in the tank. Run the generator periodically so it's ready when you need it.

Generator Safety

Meter Box Damage

The meter box belongs to the customer. If it's damaged by weather or by any kind of accident, repair is the customer's responsibility. Georgia Power cannot, by regulation, connect power to a damaged meter box.

We understand that customers can feel tremendous frustration at this restriction. It's understandable - after anxious hours waiting for power to be restored, who wouldn't be frustrated by an even longer wait?

Still, if your meter box (or the pole on top of it) is damaged, a professional electrician must repair it to code before we're allowed to restore your service.

Meter Box Damage

Emergency Resources

Local, state and federal resources are available to help you plan for, and recover from, disasters.

American Red Cross

Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA)

National Hurricane Center

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric (NOAA)

National Weather Service