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Grid Improvements

Grid Improvements

Enhancing Service and Reliability

From transmission lines that carry power from generating plants to substations, to distribution lines that deliver safe and affordable energy to customers’ homes and businesses - we are making the grid stronger and more resilient. 

Benefits of Improvements:

15% fewer outages

Our customers experienced an average of 15% fewer power outages in 2023 compared to the previous year​.

27min shorter outages

Our customers saw an average of 27 minutes shorter power outages in 2023 compared to the previous year.

Upgrading for the future

After investing $10B over the past 10 years, our reliability numbers* are among the best in our company’s history.

* Reliability scores are based on System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), and System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) numbers from 2023.

Featured Project: Kirkwood Circuits

The Kirkwood area of Atlanta had been experiencing frequent outages, and an assessment determined that the lines needed to be undergrounded to improve reliability.

It required over 150 permits across two cities and counties, and collaboration from the City of Atlanta, civic associations, and homeowners’ associations.

At the completion of the project, 200 new devices had been installed, and 24 miles of lines had been undergrounded.

4,038 customers saw an average reliability improvement in their service of up to 50%, and the project received a 93% positive or neutral customer sentiment score.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your questions about our grid improvements

How will this work affect our electric utility service?

Our commitment is to provide clean, safe, reliable, and affordable electricity. We're making new investments in infrastructure to improve the reliability and efficiency of our system and decrease the number and length of outages that customers experience. Some of these enhancements will require limited outages. If an outage is needed for our work, impacted customers will be notified.

Is the property owner required to grant an easement to Georgia Power to place equipment on their property?

For Distribution projects, the easement process is a voluntary process. We will work with the community to find locations for all needed equipment. If community members do not wish to grant the required Distribution easements, we will explore other project alternatives.

Are other communities besides ours having similar work done by Georgia Power?

As part of our commitment to providing clean, safe, reliable, and affordable electricity, we will be making investments in infrastructure in communities across the state. We're continuously evaluating the electric system to determine where to make investments.

Will Georgia Power need to perform tree trimming to support construction?

We are dedicated to causing minimal disruption to our customers’ property. For undergrounding projects, tree trimming will be minimal. There may be some shrubs/landscaping that will need to be removed for the placement of underground equipment.


For overhead projects, tree trimming can vary depending on the percentage of the tree canopy that overhangs into the required tree clearance area. We typically requires a 15- to 30-foot clearance, depending on the type of line located in your area.


If needed, trees are pruned by professional tree contractors. Georgia Power prunes trees to industry standards that were developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Learn more at