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Environmental Stewardship

We maintain and operate over 100,000 acres of land, 60,000 acres of water and more than 15 lake properties in Georgia.

As such, we are committed to being good stewards for our state, and compliance with federal and state environmental requirements is only the beginning of our environmental commitment. Our education partnerships and projects work towards conservation, restoration and awareness, so that future generations will have a prosperous and beautiful place to call home.

We support environmentally-focused organizations and programs that are working to preserve the natural legacy of our state. We're investing to increase environmental awareness, improve air and water quality, preserve natural resources and protect endangered species.

Waters for Georgia Grant

A Georgia Power Foundation signature program aiming to enhance water quality in Georgia. Established with 2020-2021 cycle, projects are typically designed to be completed on a two-year cycle. Supported initiatives are already improving Georgia’s water quality to the benefit of our communities and environment.

Vegetation Conservation

Many species of conservation concern rely on the native longleaf pine landscapes to thrive, including the gopher tortoise, eastern indigo snake, red-cockaded woodpecker, and hairy rattleweed. Georgia Power owns and manages more than 4,000 acres of natural and planted longleaf pine and plans to re-establish an additional 2,000 acres within the next few years.

Welcome home, Red-cockaded Woodpecker

We partnered with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to restore more than 1 million acres of longleaf pine in our state. But these are more than just trees. To endangered species like the red-cockaded woodpecker, they’re home.

Focused on the Planet

We're committed to building the future of energy while protecting the environment. We strive to maintain a balance that furthers environmental stewardship while providing for growing energy needs and the economy.  Environmental leadership is fundamental to our vision and commitment to stewardship, from our facilities to our corporate headquarters. Each year, we recycle millions of pounds of cardboard, guide wire, paper, plastic, electronic waste and wood from our facilities plus used motor oil and used tires from our fleet department. 

forklifts moving trash at recycling plant

Every Drop Counts

The Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District announced the launch of the My Drop Counts business water conservation campaign, which encourages local organizations to join in regional efforts to reduce water use and ensure a sustainable future for the Atlanta region.

Get Involved

As stewards of our environment, it’s important that we provide our customers with ways to care for our natural world, both at home and in the community. Learn more about some of the ways you can practice environmental stewardship.

River Renewal

Georgia's 70,150 miles of streams and rivers need your help. Our waterways provide us with fresh drinking water and recreational opportunities, and it’s up to us to protect and preserve them for future generations. 


Each year Georgia Power sponsors and participates in river and lake cleanups around the state near many of our generating facilities.  We've helped thousands of volunteers pick up millions of pounds of trash from our state's waterways over the years. We are also a corporate sponsor of Rivers Alive, a volunteer waterway cleanup event targeting streams, rivers, lakes, beaches and wetlands across Georgia. We invite all Georgians to join us and help protect Georgia's waterways through the resources below.

Georgia Conservation Program

With similar missions to build sustainable communities, Georgia Power has a long-standing partnership with the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation (KGB Foundation) and its community-based affiliates. 


For our efforts, Georgia Power was honored in 2013 by the KGB Foundation for minimizing waste and promoting recycling and other methods of responsible waste handling in our state. 


Learn how you can get involved and make a difference with the KGB Foundation.

Save Energy at Home

Follow these tips to keep your home comfortable while you save money and energy. 

Paperless Billing

Receive and review your bill online to cut down on clutter and help the environment. Paperless billing is free and it's easy to sign up

Drive Electric

Join the EV movement. Explore your options and calculate how much money and greenhouse gas emissions you could save annually by switching to an electric vehicle. Show me more