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Easements and Restrictions

Right-of-Way Use

The strips of land upon which Georgia Power transmission lines are located are called rights-of-way. We acquire these rights-of-way for the purposes of constructing, operating, and maintaining our main power lines in a safe and reliable way. The majority of our rights-of-way are in the form of easements which allow us to keep the land clear of obstructions that may interfere with our use of the right-of-way and allow us to easily access it for repair and maintenance purposes. Rights-of-way are acquired by Georgia Power for majority of our utility corridors.

Learn how we keep the public safe by maintaining or clearing areas around grid infrastructure such as poles, wires, and structures.

Permitted Activities

The following activities are examples of uses that may be permitted provided certain standards are observed and an agreement is properly executed:

  • Fills
  • Grading
  • Drainage ditches
  • Streets, roads, driveways
  • Recreational activities
  • Parking
  • Lakes and ponds
  • Fences
  • Certain utilities


Prohibited Activities

The following are examples of uses that are not permissible:

  • Fueling and permanent storage of fuel facilities
  • Use as a runway for landing and takeoff of any aviation equipment
  • Swimming pools
  • Signboards exceeding 15 feet in height
  • Permanent structures of any kind
  • Septic tanks
  • House trailers
  • Dumps, junkyards, garbage receptacles, recycling centers and solid waste burial
  • Outdoor lighting not owned/maintained by an electrical utility
  • Any burning on the right of way
  • Wells

There are some circumstances where parties other than the property owner may have permitted use. These include: sewer, water and gas lines; electrical distribution lines; telecommunications and cable TV; and railroad spur tracks.

Acceptable Use vs. Encroachment


Certain uses of Georgia Power easements or property will not interfere with the transmission right-of-way as long as standards of use are observed. Agricultural, horticultural or grazing activities are authorized by the underlying property owner, but will be monitored by our crews.

These uses do not require a written agreement except when they are proposed on property owned by the company in fee.


An encroachment of Georgia Power's right-of-way is any use or activity within the transmission right-of-way that restricts (in any way) the full use or purpose for which the right-of-way was established.

Any encroachment of Georgia Power right-of-way must be submitted for review and approval using the encroachment application form prior to any work being performed on the right-of-way. 

Please consider:

A minimum undisturbed area within a 25-foot radius from the structure and/or attachment locations should be maintained. Additional space may be required if circumstances warrant. 

  • Avoid undermining structures or anchors
  • Keep access to the right-of-way and facilities open
  • Protect guy wires and anchors
  • Protect any buried facilities on the right-of-way
  • Meet or exceed National Electric Safety Code (NESC) standards
  • Cross perpendicular (90 degrees) to the right-of-way

Use of Easements

Georgia Power will consider the accommodation of reasonable uses of our easements and fee property. Uses that interfere with, obstruct, restrict or endanger the use of our rights-of-way, fee property and transmission facilities will not be permitted in order to preserve our right to construct, replace, operate, maintain, reconstruct and access power and communication lines in a safe and timely manner.