As part of Georgia Power's commitment to providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity, the company is making new investments in infrastructure serving areas of Briar Vista and Briarlake in DeKalb County. The project consists of a variety of improvements on an electrical transmission and distribution circuit that serve more than 11,000 customers in the Briar Vista, Briarlake, North Fork, and Northlake Mall areas. The preliminary project schedule is land acquisition in 2020/2021 timeframe and construction in 2022/2023 timeframe.
Safety and Reliability improvements include:
Georgia Power continuously invests in its system across the state to better serve customers. Transmission and distribution lines are an essential piece of our infrastructure, moving power from electric generating plants across hundreds of miles to power homes and businesses. Once the work in the areas of Briar Vista and Briarlake is completed, residents and businesses should see long-term improved service and enhanced reliability.
The work being conducted in the areas of Briar Vista, Briarlake, North Fork, and Northlake Mall will not affect current electric service. Georgia Power is also working closely, as needed, with other companies that provide services in the area including AT&T and Comcast regarding their facilities. Throughout the process, Georgia Power will work to complete the project with minimal impact or disruption to residents and businesses. Additionally, the company will ensure its environmental impact is minimal and work directly with property owners on any landscaping concerns.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the in-person Public Information Meeting for this project has been postponed for the safety of residents and our employees.
Across the state, Georgia Power owns a network of 18 generating plants and 19 hydroelectric dams.