For the most up-to-date information about Georgia Power's outdoor lighting services, please refer to the list of frequently asked questions below:
Good outdoor lighting has many benefits that will give you and your customers a peace of mind with improved safety and security, reduction in potential liability and costs, improved property value, and efficient energy use with LED lights.
Georgia Power’s expert lighting team can customize an outdoor lighting solution that best fits your needs and budget. Costs vary depending on the size and specificity of each individual project.
The time is takes to complete a lighting project varies, as it depends on the size and scope of each individual job. However, our lighting experts will keep you informed of progress and project status to ensure you’re aware of every step in the process.
Georgia Power offers a unique service option, allowing customers to pay a monthly charge for the use of a complete lighting system. This option offers benefits including:
One of the key benefits of Georgia Power’s complete lighting system is maintenance and repair. There are several ways to report an outage. One is to look for the Georgia Power sticker on the affected light and call the number that is listed.
The preferred method is to use the Georgia Power Street Light Outage Tool on the website.
A confirmation email will be sent to confirm receipt, along with repair updates.
Customers interested in the complete lighting solution, which is owned by Georgia Power, and includes no up-front costs, ongoing repair, and replacement of non-working lights will be required to sign a contract. The contract period varies based on type of job and customer type.
Absolutely! An account executive will visit your premise to better understand what your objectives are, assess your current situation, and then make a recommendation for the lighting solution that will best meet your needs. Our experts will be available to help throughout the entire process.
Yes. Our outdoor lighting team delivers high-quality lighting solutions that are uniquely designed to meet the needs of commercial, industrial, residential, and governmental customers throughout the state of Georgia, even if we are not your electric service provider. We offer a turn-key lighting solution to customers who choose to own and maintain their equipment.
For additional information on outdoor lighting or to request a free onsite consultation please visit or call 1-888-655-5888.