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Helping Georgians manage energy better

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We're Here to Help


We know that energy bills are an important part of everyone's budget.

To help you manage your electric bill and cut costs where you can, our employees have a few energy-saving tips, tools, and resources that may be able to help.

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“I've seen many customers lower their bill by making small energy-saving changes at home.”

Anderson, Energy Efficiency Team


“We have billing options and 7 different rate plans that put you in control of your budget and power usage.”

Abigail, Pricing & Rates Team


“My Power Usage is a free tool that helps you predict monthly bills and stay within your budget.”

Bryan, Customer Engagement Team


“We can help you get assistance with rent, utilities, food, shelter, counseling, and other needs.”

Connie, Energy Assistance Advocate

Here are a few tips to help you lower your energy usage:

full load washer

Wash clothes cold

Wash full loads of clothes with cold water and avoid over-drying. Also, clean the lint trap before every load to increase efficiency.

clean air filter

Change air filter

Change standard air filters once a month, or pleated filters once every three months. A clogged filter makes your AC work harder, increases wear on your unit, and uses more energy.

clear air vents

Unblock air vents

Keep air vents clear of obstruction to help your heating and cooling system operate more efficiently.

turn off lights

Turn off lights

Turn off the lights when you leave a room. To help you remember, try leaving eye-catching reminders next to light switches and doorways.

Understanding Your Bill

At Georgia Power, we believe everyone should have access to clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, and we understand that energy costs are an important part of every family's budget. That's why we work every day to run our business efficiently and keep rates as affordable as possible for our customers.

How we're helping to minimize the impact of rising fuel costs

Georgia Power does not earn any profit from fuel costs, and we take proactive measures to protect customers from rising costs, including deploying the most cost-effective energy generation resources.

Interactive sample bill

Every month, your bill includes the cost to generate and distribute electricity. Use your computer or tablet to learn what everything on your bill means with our interactive sample bill tool.

Managing energy costs

We're committed to connecting customers – including senior citizens, those with one-time or ongoing special needs, and those with limited incomes – with programs and resources from Georgia Power.

Are you a commercial customer, too?

Manage your electric bill and grow your business with rate plans tailored for small to enterprise businesses and energy-saving resources and tools.